TimeCrystal Hall A
09:00-10:30Session 01. Bariatric & Metabloic
Chairs: Miloš Bjelović, Catalin Copaescu
Real Robotic Gastric Bypass: tricks and Tips
Juan Santiago Azagra
Revision of LSG to BPD – DS
Catalin Copaescu
Redo robotic surgery: Sleeve vs OAGB for unadapted weight loss
Juan Santiago Azagra
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30Session 02. Upper GI 1
Chairs: Miloš Bjelović, Juan Santiago Azagra
Oncologic Robotic near total gastrectomy for cancer: step by step
Juan Santiago Azagra
Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy in gastric cancer
Andreas Brandl
Laparoscopic radical gastrectomy for cancer
Giusto Pignata
Lunch & Learn
Platinum sponsor symposium
Session 03. Education in MIS
Chairs: Aleksandar Simić, Jo-Etienne Abela
Centralisation of Pancreatic Surgery: A European Perspective
Andrea Pietrabissa
The road ahead for endoluminal surgery
Alberto Arezzo
Training in advanced laparoscopic surgery - experience from LAPCO programmee
Mark Coleman
Coffee break
Session 04. Colon & Rectum 1
Chairs: Kenneth Campbell, Mark Coleman
Improving outcomes in right hemicolectomy – how robotics can help
Kenneth Campbell
Laparoscopic rectal resection with TME
Mark Coleman
Patterns of cental lymph node dissection for laparoscopic left hemicolectomy and RRAS – a summary of relevant situations
Vasilie Bintintan